Monday, December 19, 2011

Cookie Swap

Losing house
Winning house

Here are the prizes I made- Ideas Inspired by Pinterest
The goodies- so yummy

Tastiest Cookie
Prettiest Cookie- (FROM PINTEREST!)
(My Nutella Cookies!)
Most Creative Cookie
Gingerbread house winners- They Cheated!! LOL

ALL The Girls
Best/Worst Ugly Christmas Sweater Winner!

Well the cookie party turned out WONDERFUL! Friday night was touch & go, I felt miserably sick and didn't think I could get it all together & even considered canceling but thankfully I have a wonderfully helpful family that pitched in as always to help me get it all done. The original 12 became only 8 in attendance (including myself & a surprise tag along). But turns out 8 was the magic #. We had good food, lots of great yummy cookies & tons of laughs. Now that it seems like I've got a core group of interested ladies I'm going to just stick with a MAX of 10 people for next year. I will not waste my time or energy inviting those people just to be nice as they only end up being a pain in the ass, who string me along & then either cancel last minute or no-show all together. THANKFULLY they did cause I didn't even want them there anyway & so it all worked out in the end perfectly. My friends didn't kill me over making the extra cookies & we split up all the extras.. YAY US! I put a lot of work into researching fun ideas for decorations, prizes etc. I do this party every year & it just keeps getting better. This year I was inspired to scrapbook little awards for cookies & for us to vote on the prettiest, tastiest, most creative, unique. We all agreed that next year we are adding best packaging as some were just really awesome. We split up into teams of 4 for the gingerbread house decorating competition. That is always a great game & ice breaker for those that don't know each other. By the end everyone is laughing and talking with each other. Seems to me everyone had a good time & some are already planning their cookies & packaging for next year!

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