Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Cookie Exchange

Well I am gearing up for my annual Christmas Cookie Exchange! Excited & a little over whelmed. This year I am blessed to have a LOT and I mean a lot of interest. I've got 12 ladies signed up to bring 12 dozen cookies each! I am starting to think this is a bit much. I never expected this many people to actually show. Problem is that I got stuck inviting two Non-friends (coworkers- who I don't like & they don't like me at all! WHY ARE THEY COMING??) that I NEVER thought would come & they are! UGH! One of them extended the invite to a friend is bringing her! Wowza! Maybe God is trying to tell me something. I'm sure it will all turn out ok & I'm just stressing as usual about everyone getting along. Mainly will I get a long w/these 3?! ----Guess we'll see. I've got 12 dozen cookies to bake tonight, along with preparing most of the brunch menu for tomorrow morning. I hope everyone has a blast! I'm thinking next year I am keeping it quite & only inviting those closest to me and going with 8 people....

Also side note & rant -(YOU'VE BEEN WARNED) What has happened to people's basic manners?! I wish Emily Post was still around to teach people some things. I've given myself a new guideline or rule to follow. If I invite someone to a party & they do not RSVP or respond in any way, I will let it slide & invite to another party. BUT if it happens a 2nd time they are never getting another invite from me again. I know they know about the party so it's not like the invite is lost in the mail. They just are rude! So if they don't care enough to use common curiosity then I won't bother to be nice enough to ever invite them again. I just think people now a days do not throw parties like I do. IF anyone throws a party it's a pot luck.. so it's not such an inconvenience on the hostess to add another. When I throw a party I am old school, I supply everything, food, booze, favors & write thank yous! I guess I'm a dying breed. I've got nothing against a little potluck but I refuse to let that be the constant theme of my parties. I enjoy hosting guests in my home, feeding them & making them feel welcome. I hope I can do that well tomorrow!
I'll get back on tomorrow sometime & post pics if I can figure out how!! LOL

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