Friday, December 16, 2011

My First Blogger post

Well this will be my first real blog. For whoever reads this that doesn't know who I am, I'm a wife, mother of 3 great kids. Jacob 14, Gabby 10, and Evan 8. I work full time as a paralegal and volunteer A LOT for my kids schools, church, sports and whatever they are interested in. Yes.. I am THATMOMMY. I make as much homemade items that I can. By no means am I an expert crafter, baker or cook, but I truly value the art of doing things on my own from scratch. I seem to always be planning, cooking, baking or making something new. It feeds my need to be creative but again I am NOT an expert. My sister laughs & calls me Martha Stewart.. she should bite her tongue! Currently my newest obsession is quilting! I totally love it, but I'm sure like the knitting, gardening & canning obsessions that came before it, quilting will run it's course. I guess I'm still trying to find MY thing. MY talent. Until I do I'm determined to try new things & cross lots of things off my bucket list! I've noticed lately as the days, months & years pass I feel like I'm finally starting to grow up & and come into my own! This is truly funny because I'm already 34!!! I hope that starting this blog will help to journal out my life, dreams, feelings, excitements, disappointments and the trials of my life. If my blog is true to life I'm sure some will get offended but hopefully most will be able to connect in some way so I know I'm not the only one out there like this!! I truly wonder sometimes. If I am, my Dad was right they really DID break the mold when they made me!! :)

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