Monday, December 19, 2011

The Fall of Santa

We had the fall of Santa in our house on Sunday. Evan busted Brad a couple nights before putting money under his pillow for a tooth so we had to fess up about being the tooth fairy and because he's such a smart little booger it took only about a minute after he left the room to turn around and ask if Santa was fake. I told him no of course he's not, then extended my hand & said, "Hi, I'm Mrs. Clause. Nice to meet you.. then Brad did the same claiming himself as Santa!! LOL. He laughed and took it in good stride. We explained that all of that is part of the magic of Christmas & now he's in on the secret and can take part in the wonderful Spirit of Giving. He is very excited. We have all agreed to still have "Santa" visit the house as usual on Christmas Eve as we all love this tradition. I was able to get my homemade gifts almost done so I am very happy with that. It was a lot of work but all will be done with about another 5-6 hrs more of work before Christmas which is totally doable!!

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