Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hormones & Weight Loss

Well it's been a while since my last post. I have been in a slump & quiet. Menopause has officially started to kick in & is wreaking havoc on my emotions. I have been really trying to stay on top of it by being aware but depression has gradually crept in and really threw me for a loop the past 2-3 weeks. Sadly I've taking it out on those closest to me, namely my poor sweet husband Brad. I've been running hot then cold. One minute I am like get away from me you are annoying me, then the next I'm like why isn't he with me, feeling neglected and like he doesn't love me anymore. I've been depressed over my weight, things have been breaking around the house- lost all the food in our freezer after I just stocked it up, Jake & Gabby are in FL and barely call me so all of it's been weighing heavily on me to the point that I was thinking what is the point of it all. Man, this is just NOT ME!! I have never been the moody type so this is really hard for me. Thankfully had a moment of self-awareness yesterday and talked to Brad about how I was feeling and apologized. Ever sweet he replied it's ok, he still loves me, he's noticed & was going to say something but didn't want to upset me so he's just gave me space. :( I've decided to run to the health food store today to buy some Black Cohash and give that a try to see if it helps. As for my weight I've kind of fallen off with my eating and counting calories. The depression side tracked me & I was looking for any outlet to make me feel better- #1 choice FOOD! Damn it.. WHY??!!! ARGH so frustrating. However I have kept up with my workouts, not daily BUT I have been averaging 2-4 days per week and it's really been helping. So at least I haven't fallen completely off the wagon! I aim to get back on track this week, and continue on with no more mistakes till at the very least I leave for Savannah with my girls on June 22. My goal is to have lost at least 10 pounds by then. Just under a month. I know I can do this if I just put my mind to it. These days I'm very thankful for my friend Michelle, she is on this journey with me and has really been keeping me motivated! THANKS MICHELLE!! Her routine check ins and motivating texts have really helped me. I wish I could help her the same way but right now these damn hormones have ruled my world the past few weeks but NO MORE! I refuse to let it continue any longer- so that Black Cohash had better work.

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