Monday, May 14, 2012

Worst Mother's Day Ever!

All I can say is I must SUCK as a Mother & Wife!! Yesterday was the worst Mother's Day I've ever had. I guess "MY" problem is that I had expectations of being celebrated, spoiled & appreciated. Unfortunately to my disappointment my expectations were as usual set way to high. I had always thought as the kids grew older Mother's Days would keep getting better but apparently not. I was asked a couple times in the weeks preceding what I wanted and I simply replied that I just didn't want to be the one to plan out my own day. Surprise me. I am always the one who plans & executes every event, activity, celebration & party we have! For this one I told my husband I just want to go along for the ride. Well maybe that was my problem. I awoke to find Brad & Gabby making me breakfast at 9am. Crepes! I love crepes! Gabby had made me a beautiful card and typed up a letter w/a home made painting! It was wonderful, touching & I loved it!! I was thinking this is going to be a great start to a great day.. Right? ... nope- this was the highlight although I didn't know it! Bless my husband for trying but he didn't get done cooking till like 11:30am. I ended up with great eggs, ok sausage and burnt unedible crepes. But hey he got an A for effort in my book, and I was not disappointed in the least. I am all about effort, thought an gesture over execution. However he told me what he was going to make for dinner, it's an Italian dish w/home made pasta that he's never made before. Why did he think he could do this now? It's not like it's my favorite dinner or anything. He says just tell me how & I can do it. Well ladies, as you know that's not how it would end up.. If he took on this dinner for which there is no recipe, I would be the one cooking it and I didn't want to cook at all. So I tried repeatedly to discourage him from making this. I was told weeks before that dessert would be my favorite.. Tiramisu.. again my husband has never made this. It's not that I don't think he can do it, I know he can but every time I give him a recipe to follow he takes liberties & tries to make it his own instead of just doing it exactly the way it's supposed to be done. This drives me nuts.. when I love a recipe the way it is.. I've begged please just leave it alone. I told him this ahead of time & he said he would. So I asked about it as I was really looking forward to this dessert (I even offered to make it) but he told me it was scrapped & we weren't doing it! UGH.. that stunk. Last we spoke on Friday he told me he wanted to rise to the challenge of making this just the way I do since I had doubt.. my mouth was watering I was ready for it.. SLAM.. NO TIRAMISU :( Since there didn't seem to be an immediate plan for anything I began laundry, straightening up and clipping coupons. Evan woke up- never said Happy Mother's Day... Jake woke up came in my craft room.. no good morning, no I love you, no Happy Mother's Day.. he just started complaining about the dishes he had to do. Eventually he mumbled a Happy Mother's Day before retreating to his bedroom for the rest of the DAY! Brad came to help me with my coupons but didn't say much about anything. I decided since it didn't look like anything was going to go on I'd go to the store to coupon. I told Brad what I was doing, by this time he was hammering & sawing on a project on the back deck. I thought that perhaps if something was planned I'd hear about it.. It's like 3 pm. Nope.. nothing! I walked upstairs, peeked in on Jake & offered to take him to his girlfriend's house on my way to the store. He had asked me on Sat if he could do this, i figured at this point why not. He wasn't going to be spending any time with me and it was apparent they hadn't planned one thing to celebrate the day. I took my shower and it hit me that they really weren't going to do a thing, no card, no special dinner that I liked.. no dessert, no outing.. nothing was organized.. not one thing. I began to cry like a BIG BABY! It really hurt my feelings. I never expected that, but I guess that was my problem, expectations. I was really disappointed in Brad for not getting the kids together to at the very least make or buy me a card. He later told me that he had planned a picnic and a hike but it rained and no alternate plans ever came about. I went couponing & Jake began to text me apologies about not doing anything.. I told him to forget it. I had my moment, cried and now just to forget it. I really meant it. Last thing I want is a guilt ridden forced pity card or celebration. I got home, no one even helped me bring in the groceries (RAINING PEOPLE) .. (SERIOUSLY.. this is beginning to feel like a joke) No one but GABBY (THIS GIRL IS QUICKLY BECOMING MY FAVORITE PERSON) helped unpack them! At this point everyone knew I was hurt & upset so I just decided it better that I go to my craft room, read & be left alone. Jake ended up typing me up a letter & literally threw it at my face & walked away! (Sorry son- to little to late) Evan told Brad the letter he made me last week was going to be counted as my Mother's Day gift. (this was SO not a Mother's Day gift) Brad made a dinner- it was a good dinner, just not one that I could eat due to my gallbladder surgery. He knew this but apparently forgot or just didn't care. He made a dessert that I'm sure he thought was great but I'd never eat..too sweet & in my opinion wouldn't go together. Walnut brownies w/choc chip mint ice cream sandwiches.. Sounds gross just typing it up.. YUCK! I am trying not to feel like an ungrateful person but like I said I'm more about the gesture & thought not execution.. to me there was NO thought put into this day, this dinner, or dessert. It was nothing about celebrating me as a mom at all. If it was it would have been something I liked - Gabby kept asking me why is he making this dinner it's my favorite not yours? Why did he make this dessert? Honey I just don't know... I ended up making myself carrot sticks & dip cause it was like 8:00pm.. Brad was pissed, skipped dinner and just went to bed. I feel like a gigantic piece of crap! Two conclusions could be made in my opinion of this day.. #1: I am completely self absorbed, have high expectations, am stuck up and not happy with efforts made however big or small. Or #2: am a piece of crap Mom/wife that didn't deserve anyone to take the forethought to plan a celebration or even get a card. Either way.. I SUCK!! I still really feel broken hearted over this and have decided to forever BAN MOTHER'S DAY in my house!! PS.. I do want to give a HUGE shout out to my daughter Gabriella, who's wonderful giving & thoughtful heart is truly appreciated!!! She made me the only card I received, and did her best to dote on me by giving me a pedicure and hand scrub. For the boys in my house they can all suck it!!!!! I love you!! MOM

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