Friday, May 11, 2012

New Blog

Hi ALL, I started a new blog yesterday. WARNING!!! It is UBER sensitive and explicit. It's ugly and not for the light of heart.. well maybe not that bad but it's VERY personal. I think I made the most raw outpouring of my current view of myself as an overweight woman. Let's just say it's not pretty at all. I didn't post it to Facebook because it was hard enough creating that blog & posting it to begin with. I don't know if I could handle some of the people I am friends with on FB knowing & reading all that about me. Yes.. you know them..we've all got those people.. Haters and the Judgmental ones!! lmao Right now I need support and encouragement.. not to feel shamed. Trust me, I do that enough to myself. Nothing can shame you more than and Italian with Catholic guilt and believe me I've got that in spades!! However, as I type this I'm debating on posting this to FB. Maybe yesterday was step one, and I need to push myself to step two. Being honest & facing reality about my current situation. Somehow seeing things in black & white really hits home for me. Then again I am doing that already by just posting this for me to read. Most people read it and my other blog posts & silently judge from their computers. Most do not put themselves out there by making comments. It would be great if they did. I like to have feedback even if it's not the most positive. At least I know my words are causing sort of impact. Is that egotistical? Or perhaps needy? hmmmm.. I don't know. For those that do take the time out of your day to visit my blog, read my posts & take in my ramblings.. THANK YOU! Hopefully I've impacted your day in some little way with a laugh, gave you pause to reflect inward or just a moment or two of mindless entertainment. If I've done that at least it's something.

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