Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Well I woke up this morning and felt alright but then as the day progressed (btw I've only been awake 2 hrs) I can tell it's going to be one of those days. Dropped by glasses, my phone, forgot my heart meds, got stopped in the car rider line about 6 times, had to go back home.. etc etc.. Right now I'm totally grumpy & I can just feel the disdain oozing from me. The biggest things on the forefront of my frustration/disappointment today is Girl Scouts. I really think I need to take a break from being a leader/volunteer for a while. I love it so very much and it's really become a part of who I am. I enjoy doing it but when I seem to be the only person putting in effort to make event, activities happen it's very discouraging. I don't expect a thank you nor am I looking for accolades, but just an active participation would be helpful. Reading the email I took time away from my day to type up, RSVPing when I'm planning an event that you stated you wanted, assisting in the planning and organizing an event that will benefit you & your child. I can't do these things alone, although I mostly have been for the past 6 years. I am expected to not only plan, run the events but also keep a website running w/event information, a calendar, reminders and periodically send out reminders. When my emails, and reminders go unanswered I'm forced to text each individual person in order to be able to get an answer. Heck for that matter I've had to even do that numerous times as well as remind them & text up till 15 minutes before an event! It's ridiculous. Part of me doesn't mind this because I'm doing this first & foremost for my daughter, so she has a great GS experience, and then for the girls in my troop and SU area but it's just really hard to be the only adult really giving all she's got to pull things off alone. There has to be parent support in order for things to really make things easier & more fun for all. I guess to most of them Girl Scouts is just an activity that keeps their child occupied for a few hours, but for them & for me it's much more. This is why I think I need to step down for a while. I don't want to leave GS at all, I just would like to have those I'm working with respect the time & dedication I'm putting forth for their children & at least read the emails, respond, be on time and offer to help when it's obvious the event we have going on is a huge undertaking that is next to impossible for 1 person to plan, organize & pull off by herself. Although this seems to be a theme to my whole life from family to friends.. I seem to give & really take the time to remember birthdays, send a card or call, I RSVP, I think of people when they have babies, surgery acknowledge anniversaries but none of that seems to be reciprocated. I really do try to give everyone my all by being a good thoughtful friend but I guess I'm over extending & falling short somewhere. I do all these things not expecting anything in return but it would be nice to have things reciprocated & have someone be mindful of me. I truly don't think that's too much to ask do you? I always thought I learned the lesson to give without expectation of anything returned- just to give for givings sake but when do you say I've given enough...? I think I've reached that point.

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