Monday, March 19, 2012

Things that really matter in life

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about the things in life that really matter. It's not money, what new toy you bought or how clean your house is. It's the little things.. all the little things that add up. Your friend thinking of you when she's shopping, a card or kind email from a friend, your husband cooking dinner or rubbing your feet. Your children smiling & hugging you when you walk in the door. Life and everything that we have material things & even people in our lives are so easily taken for granted with the day to day grind of life. It's so easy to skip saying I love you, I'm sorry or thank you to those around you when you're in a rush. As I get older I care less about what I have and much more for who I can spend my time with. My husband, he is an amazing man. I'm not saying he doesn't get on my nerves from time to time but he is a GOOD MAN! The kind of man you want to be the father of your children. Brad is thoughtful, kind, caring, generous to a fault, loving, patient.. he is everything that I could ever hope to have in a mate and a father for my children. My best friend Jen, she is also very kind, thoughtful, understanding, calming, supportive, loving. She is everything I could ever want for a best friend. I feel so blessed to have both these wonderful people in my life. My children, written words are hard to form when thinking of describing these 3. They are all so much like me, but so much better people than I could ever count myself. They lift me up with laughter, love and support in a way I've never known in my life. We often wonder what life is all about- why are we here, what is our purpose. I am realizing that for me it's not about sweating the small things, but to really enjoy the people I have in my life. To enrich their life and time on this earth as much as they do for me. They are what really matter to me. Life has a way of knocking you down with hard times, but if you know what really matters in life, the people you share it with, they can always help you back onto your feet. I have really been trying to keep focused on my New Year's resolutions to be a better person, friend, mother, wife. One way I've decided to do that is in surrounding myself with those that lift me higher, not drag me down. My husband has been a great asset to me in teaching me this. I can loose sight when things get hard and he has always be there to be the anchor to ground me when I need it. So what really matters in your life? Is it the people God has put in your path, your job, vacation, material things? Are you able to appreciate life's little pleasures and see them when they are presented to you? I bet that you can find something each day that really matters. I know I can.

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